Psalm 22.3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of his people. No matter what you are facing, when you choose to stop, cultivate your gratitude and give him praise, He meets you. This is a season of Promised Land testimonies. God is doing a new thing, filling your mouth with praise and endless hallelujahs! In this season, you get the opportunity to get over yourself and watch God create order around you. He is aligning your heart with His plans and purposes. Pull out your dream list and watch what God will do!
Psalm 22.3 tells us God inhabits the praises of his people. The word “praise” means “offering grateful homage to God” (Patheo.com). There is beauty and power in taking the focus off the woes of our day and giving Him the honor He is due. We are transformed in that moment, because, in a beautiful way, we are submitting ourselves to God.
The Hebrew word for worship is shachah which literally means “to bow down or prostrate oneself.” It is in taking this stance that not only does God meet us, but He shifts things into place. In taking this posture of submission and offering our sacrifice of praise, we are cultivating divine order in our life. Give Him your endless hallelujah!
“Create a new, clean heart within me.
Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please you.”
Psalm 51.10 (The Passion Translation)
God is bringing your heart into alignment with His purposes and His plans, and He’s calling you to take stock of your heart. You have a continual invitation to evaluate your heart and purge anything that is not of God. Many of you have encountered relational difficulties. Fights, betrayals and tension have hurt you deeply. Harsh words, pent up frustration, and bitterness were like daggers to your heart. In the midst of your pain, you have a choice in this season to surrender your offense.
Carrying offense wreaks havoc in our soul (and body), and ultimately it can lead to resentment and bitterness, making our heart hard. It is your choice to let things go so God can come in and heal you. He makes all things new, and His brand of restoration makes you better than you were before.
This is the time of Promised Land testimonies. God is doing a new thing; He’s causing promises, dreams, and relationships to come alive - to be birthed. Many of these hopes have been long-awaited. He’s bringing people together, causing divine set-ups and relational unions that never could’ve worked before. This is a season for new couples, engagements, weddings, pregnancies, and all kinds of desires of the heart to come into being. This is a time to pull out your dream list and watch what God will do. Pay attention to what God is doing, because it will be part of a testimony. Psalm 32.8 tells us, “I will guide you with my eye.” It is a time to look to Him, to be moved by His presence as He gracefully unveils what He has been orchestrating behind the scenes for years. Prepare to be wowed, as it’s better than you could’ve hoped or dreamed. It will be the manifestation of abundance.
He’s also revealing a new facet of the bride of Christ. The body is accessing new territory, corporately inhabiting more of the kingdom. It is a season for souls to be saved, prodigals to return home, new levels in miracles, and supernatural increase in things of the spirit. Just as the Israelites crossed over the Jordan and into the Promised Land, much was revealed as they stepped out of the water. It’s a whole new world! The bride of Christ is being purified in order to be seen for who she is in all her glory.
“Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
2 Corinthians 3.17
False beliefs have been a part of our world for so long that they often feel like truth. This season, watch as God makes clear to you any false beliefs you’ve been holding onto.
These false beliefs can sound like:
- There is never enough
- I will always be alone
- God is not big enough to do that
The primary belief He’s uncovering is fear. Fear manifests in many ways in our lives, but it often feels like control, anxiety, or insecurity. It can also look like isolation, anger, frustration, or judgment. These false beliefs have been woven so intricately into the fabric of our lives that it can feel scary to let go of them. God is standing by ready to do the work to rid you of these lies - you need only surrender to His process. Allow Him access into your vulnerable parts. Unparallelled freedom awaits you on the other side of these beliefs.
We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is a way to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We also believe that in speaking forth these declarations, you will change your life. We invite you to partner with what God is doing, and say these declarations as you journey throughout your season. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.
- God inhabits the praises of His people.
- I choose to surrender my heart to the work God is doing.
- God is bringing me into my Promised Land.
- Fear is a liar and I choose truth.
- Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
©2018 All Rights Reserved
Written by Anne E. Ballard