In March, there is a special grace to gain ground in the areas that you are called to. Financial shifts will unexpectedly make things easier, so hold expectancy in your heart for God to provide for you in new ways. It is important this month to look to the needs of those around you with compassion, and your generosity will bless both you and others. In the quiet place of God’s presence you will find revelation and rest, and peace will come as you deliberately choose to slow down, unplug, and simply be.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God.” 2 Corinthians 10.3-5 (ESV)
In the 1800’s, gold miners would mark off the territory that they were mining to declare that whatever was found there was theirs. They had authority over that space because they had declared that it belonged to them. Just as the gold miners marked their territory, and just as some people anoint and pray over the four corners of their home (or property), now is the time to stake your claim in the spirit. Those causes that you’re passionate about or the desires of your heart that you long for - there is a special grace this month to gain ground in those areas. If you don’t know what God has given you authority over in the spirit, ask Him to show you. Some people burn for certain nations, or for causes like ending hunger, adoption, freeing women and children that have been trafficked, or seeing infertility become a thing of the past. What do you burn for?
Jesus didn’t come to heal to show you that HE could, but to show you that YOU could. He has entrusted you with the authority you need to gain victory in the area you are passionate about. Things that have inhibited you in the past are falling away, and there is room to step in and stake your claim on what you know you’re called to do. This month, God will give you clarity on what you’re called to fight for, and there is room to gain ground as you pray, seeking God’s purpose for that cause. Partner with Heaven, and see your prayers multiply!
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15.13 (NIV)
This month, hold expectancy in your heart for God to show up in your finances. Many will feel a shift in their finances where things begin to feel easier; it may be through a new stream of income, an unexpected donation, or a check in the mail. Keep your eyes peeled because many will find money too! I recently found $150 in my home under a piece of furniture, and there was no explanation for where it came from. Not only will financial resources change, but watch for God to release wisdom and revelation for how to do things smarter. He will be highlighting wise investments, giving financial strategies, and even creative ways to save. God is providing revenue for the dreams in your heart to become a reality, and you will taste His goodness this month as He meets you. There will be a new ease with money, so watch how God provides in a new way through things that you already have.
“Those who live to bless others
will have blessings heaped upon them,
and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings
will be saturated with favor.” Proverbs 11.25 (The Passion Translation)
This month, be intentional about looking outside of yourself, particularly to the needs of those around you. Ask and God will reveal to you how you are to be His hands and feet. Gratitude will be a fruit of helping those with less than you; in reaching out to help others, you will be more keenly aware of all that you do have, and you will be thankful for how God is using you to bless other people. God created us to feel good when we give with a pure heart. He loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9.7), and it is a spiritual law that we will be blessed when we give and bless others. It is the way of the kingdom. A great reminder of this is the last scene in the movie It’s a Wonderful Life when George Bailey is in desperate financial need. In his hour of greatest need, the generosity that he had sown into the lives of so many came back to him, as the whole town showed up with money to help him. Everything changed in a moment for him as he reaped all that he had sown into countless others.
“Quiet your heart in His presence and pray;
keep hope alive as you long for God to come through for you.” Psalm 37.7 (The Passion Translation)
So many of us are living our lives at a frenetic speed. In this age of technology, we are able to do so much more so much faster, and we never have to disconnect. We are GOING and ON non-stop. There is grace to slow down this month. Even though it may not make sense, be intentional about taking some time to rest and just be (not do). This may be uncomfortable as you’ve possibly never done this before, and it may feel awkward as you delete things off your calendar or decline invitations, but you will be met with peace when you choose to be still. You are training yourself to do something new by making these choices.
The pace of our lives has caused some of us to live primarily from our sympathetic nervous system. This is the part of our body that creates the “fight” or “flight” response to situations. Its function is helpful in high-stress situations when we actually do need to fight or fly, but many of us are living our whole lives from that place. Many people find themselves constantly ON, going from morning until night, a slave to their phone, and it has caused many of us to be unaware of what we need. By choosing to slow down, to say no to some things, and to detach from our phones we take steps towards creating peace and order in our lives, in our environments and in our spirits. By intentionally cultivating a calm body and a calm mind, we are making space in our mind, and ultimately space in our lives. For many, even our quiet times with God can feel regimented and harried, without allowing time and space to just enjoy His presence, being still with Him. This month as you quiet yourself, there is space to connect with what God is doing in the spirit realm at a new level. He is releasing revelation knowledge about purposes and giftings that can only come when you take the time to slow down, be quiet, and unplug. God is speaking, but you must be quiet to hear His voice. Be present with God and He will meet you with His peace.
We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know that truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is an active way for us to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We also believe that in speaking forth these declarations, you will change your life. We invite you to partner with what God is doing and say these declarations for the remainder of the month. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.
- I am staking my claim in the spirit.
- I am expectant to see God’s goodness in my finances.
- As I bless others, I will be blessed.
- I quiet my heart in Your presence.
- Peace is found when I slow down.
Find the limited edition February necklaces inspired by this month's prophetic word by clicking here.
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Written by Anne E. Ballard