This December, God is preparing you for your destiny and purpose. He is giving you keys of faith to enable you to see all of the options before you, and He is helping you to take the necessary steps forward. He is also revealing brand new outlets for the gifts, talents, and ideas in your life. Get ready to increase your stewardship as you partner with His creative ideas! This month, laughter is unlocking your purpose as you rest in the knowledge that it’s easy for God to open the right doors for what He’s created you to do.
This December, God is preparing you for your destiny and purpose. He is giving you keys of faith to enable you to see all of the options before you, and He is helping you to take the necessary steps forward. He is also revealing brand new outlets for the gifts, talents, and ideas in your life. Get ready to increase your stewardship as you partner with His creative ideas! This month, laughter is unlocking your purpose as you rest in the knowledge that it’s easy for God to open the right doors for what He’s created you to do.
"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'" Luke 17:6
It can be tempting when looking at your own situation to feel confined or limited in some way, when that may not be the truth. Maybe you had hoped your situation would be different somehow, or maybe you are longing for a day that has yet to come. When you feel that way, it is good to remind yourself that there is always a solution, and that you always have options because you are a powerful person with the Almighty God as your Father. Remember that when you are functioning in faith, you are more clearly able to see that you have options. When you are functioning in fear, you feel stuck. This month God wants to partner with you in making choices, but FAITH is the key to seeing your options. Imagine a long hallway lined with doors on either side. The possibilities are endless; you need only knock on the doors. There are more choices than you know, but you must take a step forward to understand what’s available.
It’s human nature to want to know what’s ahead and plan for it, but the reality of faith is that it is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11.1). Your faith in God and what He has for you is what will unlock your options. The Bible tells us that it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain (Matthew 17.20). View your situation with faith glasses and you will be able to see opportunities you couldn’t have seen otherwise. God is not limited, and as His child, neither are you.
"...and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace..." Ephesians 6.15
Ballet dancers that dance on pointe have to practice ballet for years and have substantial physical strength and agility before they are able to even train to dance on pointe, where they may exert 10 to 12 times their body weight. Few people other than highly trained ballet dancers are able to put on those shoes and dance like that. They have made a dedicated commitment to their process of preparation, and it has cost them something. Many of the people that God used in the Bible had a season of preparation leading up to their promotion. David fought lions and bears while he was a shepherd. He was anointed to be king as a teenager, and it was nearly fifteen years until he became king. Joseph had dreams in the night that his brothers and his parents would bow down to him, but then his brothers sold him into slavery. It was ultimately fourteen years from his dreams until he became second in command in Egypt. These heroes endured a season of testing and preparation. Likewise, if we don’t take the time we need to get ready for what God is calling us to, we will not be able to fulfill the dream that He’s placed in our hearts. God will entrust the promotion or the dream to you when you’ve done the work to be ready. A story is told of a millionaire who, years ago, prayed not for millions of dollars, but for the ability to steward millions of dollars. This month, ask God to show you how He’s preparing you, and what it is you need to do to be ready.
“Every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many-colored tapestry of God’s grace.” I Peter 4.10 (The Passion Translation)
This month God is revealing the intended purposes of things in your life, but He is also revealing “off-label” uses that you might not have considered before. Think of it like this: hydrogen peroxide is primarily used to clean wounds, but it also happens to be really good at removing blood stains from clothing. In this way, God is revealing creative repurposes for things in your life, even for your qualities, skills, and traits. For example, say you really enjoy design, but have only done that in one arena (like your home), God will show you other areas of your life where you could also put your design skills to use. This is all to inspire within you a deeper level of stewardship. He is the Author of creative repurposing. This month, watch as God releases ideas and revelation to restructure the uses of talents, abilities, space, and training. This shift in thinking will all bring greater glory to Him, and allow you to steward what you’ve been given in new and exciting ways.
“I cry out to God Most High,
to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.” Psalm 57.2
You were born with your very own seeds of purpose. You’ve had them with you all along. It hasn’t been harvest time until now. God is giving you keys for your purpose, but He’s highlighting what’s been within you this whole time. He will show you memories from your childhood, dreams or prophetic words you’ve received that you didn’t understand, but it will now all come together and start to make sense. Seeing and understanding what He’s showing you about your purpose won’t be hard. It will be easy!
God has known all along the things that you’re called to, the purpose for your life, the things that you will accomplish, as well as the lives that you will touch. Just because parts of that may have been a mystery to you doesn’t mean that it’s not easy for God. You may have questions about what it is that you’re called to, why you’re in your current job, or what God is doing in your life circumstances right now. He’s ready to show you. Relax. Take a deep breath and laugh. He’s showing you that it’s easy. Laughter unlocks the seeds of purpose. Laughter is good for us. The Bible tells us that a joyful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17.22). So, lean in, laugh and relax as God shows you truth about your purpose.
We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know that truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is an active way for us to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We also believe that in speaking forth these declarations, you will change your life. We invite you to partner with what God is doing and say these declarations for the remainder of the month. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.
- My faith unlocks options in my life.
- God is preparing me for my destiny.
- God is creatively repurposing things in and through me.
- Laughter unlocks the seeds of purpose.
- Uncovering God’s plans for me is EASY.
Find the limited edition December necklaces inspired by this month's prophetic word by clicking here.