Often, when things feel hard, it’s because we’re thinking about our situation from the wrong perspective. It’s easy to fall prey to the way things look or feel instead of God’s truth for the situation. In the moments when our circumstances are challenging, or when there is much resistance, there can be a temptation to give up the fight. Instead, it is precisely these times that you must renew your mind with truth. When you are facing obstacles, frustration, disillusionment and challenge, ask God what His truth is for your situation. The circumstances you are facing are REAL, but they may not be God’s truth for you. For example, we know that Christ’s sacrifice paid for our complete healing because Isaiah 53.5 tells us that "by His stripes, we are healed;" even so, some of us are not completely walking in divine health yet. The truth is that his perfect sacrifice did pay for us to be completely healed, but we may still be warring with the things of this world. This month and beyond, as you renew your mind with truth, it’s as if you are getting on an escalator and riding up to the next level. The Bible tells us, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12.2) When we are operating out of a place of truth, the lies that would assault us have less of a hold on us, and facing the challenges that come against us becomes easier. There is never a convenient time to renew your mind with truth, but the best time to start is today.
Some of you are feeling that God has forgotten you as you wait patiently and passionately for your promise and for things to change. When we are believing for something that has yet to happen, the waiting can consume us because we might be so focused on the thing that hasn't happened yet. This month, when you feel this way, shift your focus to what God IS doing, and give him thanks for what you DO see. He is always at work and He is always speaking. Sometimes, we must simply align ourselves with what He is doing and with His purposes in order to see and hear it. He has not forgotten you, and all His promises are "Yes and Amen" in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 1.20). We know and take comfort in the fact that God is always working on our behalf and working all things together for our good (Romans 8.28), but there are seasons in our lives that we won’t know the elaborate orchestration that He’s arranged for our benefit until we are able to see the whole picture. Our trust in Him becomes paramount in the waiting season. Our rational mind tries to make sense of what is going on, but we must remember that He is never delayed; He is working on our behalf even in our sleep, and He is always right on time.
When you feel "stuck," or like you’re descending into sinking sand, it can be hard to see what’s really happening and can be a challenge to hang onto hope. Once you’re able to get out of the sinkhole, your perspective completely changes. Many of you are frustrated and feel like you've been slowed down by this quicksand. The truth is that God has been protecting you by keeping you out of the wrong place and the wrong time. Although the landscape is the same, it looks completely different when you’re standing on top, versus being trapped and sinking. God wants to release his divine perspective to you for your situation. It is the difference between powerfully looking down on a situation, seeing a way out, and looking up out of a situation where you feel powerless. How much more precious are we to God than even the lilies of the field! In Matthew 6.28-30 the Bible tells us, "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?" So, will we trust that God knows the end from the beginning, and that He is warring on our behalf? He will most certainly help us out of our stuck situation at just the right moment. Trust in His purpose, His timing, and His deliverance.
This month God is releasing strategies for how to repair some of the damage and hurt that has been a part of your relationships in your family. God created family and He wants to see us thriving and living for our families. When we prioritize connection over anything else, He will meet us, but so many of us have been derailed by misunderstandings, old wounds, and differing values. Repairing the breach in our hearts has felt impossible, even though we long for unity. Some of the strategies that He’s highlighting this month are:
- Forgiveness -forgive them for any offense, and forgive yourself for your part in the rift as well
- Speak life and truth over them-many of us are bogged down in lies and we don’t see a way out because we don’t know truth
- Pray for them- one sure way to soften our heart toward someone who has hurt us is to pray for them. Ask God for a specific strategy of prayer and faithfully lift them up.
- Bless them- you can bless these family members in practical ways Serve them, give them a gift that they want (or need), spend time with them without an agenda, or even just spend time making declarations of blessing over their lives.
- Ask God for more strategy- family is always on His heart, and He wants to see this breach repaired even more than you do. Trust His prompting and take a step towards connection.
We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know that truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is an active way for us to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We also believe that in speaking forth these declarations, you will change your life. We invite you to partner with what God is doing and say these declarations for the remainder of the month. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.
- The time is now to renew my mind.
- God is right on time with my promises.
- God is releasing His divine perspective in my situation.
- Connection is my highest priority.
- Even though I do not yet see, I trust that God is working all things together for my good.
Find the limited edition September necklaces inspired by this month's prophetic word by clicking here.
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Written by Anne E. Ballard