As believers, we are called to live a life of faith. In addition, we are to partner with God in bringing heaven to earth. However, we live in a fallen world and the spiritual battlefield is real. The powers of light and darkness are at war and we have a role to play in seeing the Kingdom of God come on earth. It is time to stand up and fight. As believers, we have been given authority from God to release heaven on earth. It’s time for us to align with heaven’s blueprint for this time and war with our prayers and declarations. The Bible tells us that our prayers commission angels to carry out God’s plans. Therefore, pray!!
Our Spiritual Warfare Series is a collection of blogs to remind you of your spiritual authority and the truth of God’s Word. In addition, we’ve designed jewelry around these themes. Read these blogs and wear these pieces as a reminder to pray and partner with Heaven. It’s time to stand up and fight for truth, for righteousness, and for justice.
Made New
He is making all things new.
Revelation 21.5
You have experienced heartbreak and disappointment. Maybe many times. And maybe there’s a significant relationship…or two or three that have been damaged. Or a situation that feels utterly hopeless. Maybe you’ve started to give up hope that it can ever be restored.
But it isn’t over yet.
God is the God of restoration and He has not forgotten the desire of your heart. Trust him to bring healing and restoration to this situation. Trust Him to heal wounds that you called incurable. Trust Him to show up and do something extraordinary. Trust him to show up on your behalf.
He can turn the situation around. He can create beauty out of barrenness. He can make the relationship as if it was brand new. Hold onto hope and declare that this situation is “made new.”
Lord, my heart aches over this situation, over this relationship. I ask that you would come and bring healing and restoration into this situation. God, I repent of any ways that I have partnered with judgment, harshness, or contributed to this heartache. Thank you for showing me if there’s anything I need to in order to bring restoration.
I come before you with humility and ask that you would pour out your Spirit on this situation and relationship. Nothing is impossible for you. Thank you for bringing a divine turnaround to this situation. '
Click below to check out our "Made New" Necklace: